Men are less likely than women to seek help when it comes to their mental health conditions, despite the fact that both genders experience mental wellness issues at about equal rates. Due to this, men are more prone to commit suicide, which probably explains the gender disparity in suicide rates worldwide. Male suicide rates are over three times higher than female suicide rates. This indicates that the community as a whole still has a great deal of work to do to ensure everyone has access to the proper support groups or networks and education, especially men.



According to experts, men and women handle mental health challenges in different ways. This is due to the fact that men may experience more demands to shut down their emotions. Because of the sometimes frustrating societal expectations, they are unable to express their actual feelings. Therefore, it could stay untreated for longer if they are unable to communicate their concerns. Men can also experience mental health issues, including anxiety and depression, but talking about them can be challenging due to the stigma associated with them.

Better mental health can be achieved through a variety of mental health professional procedures, but self-management and preventive approaches can start at home. Plenty of individuals employ easy coping mechanisms they can include in their daily routines to support mental wellness and even assist them in getting out of depression. We’re going to look more closely at the men’s coping mechanisms, both constructive and destructive.

What Are Unhelpful Coping Behaviors

In an effort to manage psychological problems, more men than women resort to maladaptive or unhealthy coping mechanisms. Once more, that results from their incapacity to ask for assistance when they are uncomfortable. It is typical of men to brush off their problems whenever they feel like it. These people should anticipate more psychological and emotional difficulties with this strategy. These are a few harmful coping mechanisms that you may notice in males who are experiencing psychological problems. Some of these are the following:


Yes, anger serves as a temporary shield to keep individuals from acknowledging and facing their uncomfortable true emotions. Men sometimes find it easier to hide their genuine emotions by venting their frustrations and bitterness this way rather than discussing it respectfully. Because most men perceive anger as a sign of strength and authority, most psychologically disturbed men prefer using this strategy. Mental health issues and frustration, however, may aggravate one another. Additionally, men think that by being upset, these mentally ill individuals might conceal the truth about the unfortunate circumstances they find terrifying or that it makes them feel exposed. Men who are angry believe they are in control and have influence over the situation.

Using Alcohol And Drugs

In order to induce sensations of relaxation, alcohol slows down the activity of the central nervous system and impacts their problem solving skills and daily life. Additionally, it decreases mental capacity, judgment, and control. These characteristics make alcohol an effective tool for people to detach themselves from stressors or potential psychological issues. Furthermore, because men typically find substances like alcohol and drugs to be enjoyable, they turn to them for immediate comfort due to their recreational benefits. However, this coping approach sees drug and alcohol abuse as resulting from high levels of avoidant coping, low levels of proactive management, and high levels of life mental health issues, which may lead to other problematic behaviors.




Men smoke because they believe it relieves tension and anxiety since nicotine makes them feel relaxed shortly thereafter. Dopamine is released by nicotine, which enters the central nervous system in a matter of seconds when someone smokes. This sensation temporarily reduces cognitive tension, but it quickly gives way to cravings and signs of withdrawal. Apart from the brief break, smoking can result in several health complications, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, stroke, lung illnesses, obesity, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), including persistent bronchitis and asthma. In addition, smoking raises the health risks of developing tuberculosis, several eye conditions, and immune system disorders like rheumatoid arthritis.

Binge Eating

Certain individuals turn to food as they consider it a calming agent or a coping mechanism for psychological and emotional issues. Indeed, it is a coping strategy to handle emotions like anxiety, frustration, psychological distress, financial stress, or even to extend happy feelings. Although overeating to calm down can be beneficial in the short run, it frequently results in regret and guilt and might worsen the psychological manifestations of binge eating disorder. Also, when men acquire weight, their self-esteem may suffer. They may encounter additional health problems, including high blood pressure, cholesterol, or sugar levels. Men who suffer from binge eating disorder are more prone to experience additional psychological issues such as anxiety, sadness, PTSD, and ADHD. It is essential to have a healthy diet

Excessive Spending

There are several reasons why some men can overspend. Spending money to feel better is common among men; some even compare it to a temporary euphoria. Some guys might go shopping to feel powerful or in control, while others may use it as a coping mechanism for unpleasant feelings or underlying mental health issues like depression or anxiety. Men usually spend greater amounts of cash or make rash financial judgments if they suffer symptoms of mania or hypomania.


The majority of men use gambling as a coping mechanism for issues or as a way to let go of feelings of obligation, sorrow, or powerlessness. The primary driving force for engaging in this activity is the adrenaline rush that comes from winning money, interacting with people, or escaping life challenges. It may, however, result in men seeking to recover their losses by increasing their gambling (chasing losses) and concealing their level of gambling from loved ones or other people. Men are no longer considered to be amused by gambling when they reach this stage of their addiction. These days, they see gambling as their main source of income or as a way to deal with psychological and emotional illnesses.

Unsafe Sex

Stress and anxiety can be reduced by sex due to the release of “feel good” hormones like oxytocin. These hormones encourage rest and have the potential to lessen the symptoms of anxiety, stress, and even depression on the psychological front. It can help deal with life, physical health problems, or relationship problems since, in times of sadness, the body may want this positive feeling and come from connecting it with sex. Intimate, physical, and emotional comfort can also be quickly restored with it. However, if sexual activity is used as a deliberate diversion, it can also be a harmful coping strategy. It may also result in troublesome circumstances and extreme emotional detachment.

Sleeping A Lot

One strategy for escaping life’s stress is to oversleep. This coping strategy is beneficial for most males because it may be viewed as a means of rest and rejuvenation. On the other hand, sleeping too much can be a means of numbing emotions or disregarding the circumstances in real life. The process of recovering is draining and can occasionally be painful and difficult. Although it is natural to desire to start dozing off to sleep, it might not be a healthy getaway if it interferes with day-to-day activities.

Mental Health Tips For Men – Healthy Coping Mechanism

Men can, of course, choose to do something beneficial in addition to the harmful strategies that have been outlined. Although various constructive positive coping strategies are available, they are all employed to enhance wellness and control or avoid stress or unpleasant feelings. Their capacity to manage and modify their behavior is essential to maintaining a stable mental and emotional state, even though benefits might not be seen right away. The following advice is for men who want to use an entirely healthier coping strategy

Build Social Connections

Having strong social support groups or networks is crucial while coping with mental health issues. This network can consist of loved ones, family members, friends, coworkers, classmates, church members, a particular someone, etc. They motivate you to follow self management strategies and top five prevention strategies. Seeking individuals who are positive, receptive, and encouraging during a man’s mental health rehabilitation process is crucial during the top five management strategies.

Consider Engaging In A Hobby

Future research shows that men’s mental health is further supported when they engage in enjoyable hobbies. Making time for these delightful activities is crucial, regardless of the hobby—hiking, crafting, cooking, woodworking, sports, exercising out, swimming, landscaping or gardening, traveling, reading, or watching TV shows and movies, for example—as long as it enhances overall health development.



Get Regular Exercise

Numerous studies demonstrate that engaging in physical activity for at least twenty minutes or more three times during the week lowers the likelihood of anxiety and depression in the majority of men. This includes all physical activities that elevate the cardiovascular system, like biking or cycling, walking, jogging, swimming, trekking, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

Focus On Nourishing The Body

Men should have adequate energy to take care of their psychological health demands. Therefore, they should consume as many complete and healthy fresh foods as possible. This set of nutritious meals includes lean protein, good fats, fruits, veggies, and whole grains. Restricting the intake of processed foods, sweets, alcohol, and refined carbs is also a must be considered.

Get Help And Consider Professional Counseling

Although most men would not use this strategy or somehow take the time to consider it, therapy is an excellent outlet for discussing emotions. Men need to learn how to talk about their struggles and confide in a qualified health professional about their experiences. They can get advice from an expert on how to deal with various life circumstances and manage their emotional and mental health problems when they establish a connection and rapport with the therapist or counselor. These professionals will guide you, teach you a few cognitive strategies, and offer risk management tips (relaxation strategies) to battle the symptom severity of negative emotions.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Do Men Cope With Mental Health Issues?

What are the coping mechanisms of men?
How can I help my man’s mental health?
How do men cope with stress?
Why do men use problem-focused coping?
What are some healthy coping or prevention strategies?
What are 2 examples of healthy coping strategies?
What is the 5 coping technique?
What is the most effective type of coping?
What is the biggest mental health issue in men?
Why is men’s health important?
What are coping mechanisms and coping strategies?
What are 3 examples of stress coping mechanisms?
What are the main coping mechanisms in psychology?
What are male and female coping mechanisms?

The Best Coping Strategies For Men Health Issues