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The hosts and organizers of the 2018 Mental Disorder Event welcomed more than 200 participants, students, and other attendees to an event of collaborative researchers to deliberate on mental health and the changing world. The event perked the interest of psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors, and other healthcare professionals across the globe. They wanted to learn and share their knowledge on recent studies and research on how to make mental health therapies more youth-friendly. Mental health disorders have been increasingly affecting more and more young people today, and some therapies are harmful in many ways to them and their growth.

Person-centered Service 

This is needed for ages 16-25 to reinforce the changing mental healthcare and support needs of young people as they move into adulthood. These services must work in generic care settings, such as sexual health clinics, youth centers, and higher education settings. If these are efficiently implemented, they would most certainly engage the schools and voluntary sectors to provide more holistic support that young people need.

School-based Support




Schools must be more informed on mental health concerns. The government has recognized that schools do have a vital role in protecting the young and promoting mental health. The Healthy Schools Program was created to help schools focus on students’ emotional health, putting more emphasis on helping parents understand their children and their ‘growing up’ behaviors. But programs that aim to enhance children’s behaviors only in the classrooms were not very effective and so the guidelines needed to be reorganized. If mental health were opened in schools, children and young adults would be more aware of it and hopefully be more willing to be referred to mental health specialists. The school counselor’s role in helping children in schools should also be reiterated.

Headteachers and professors have an important role to play in promoting positive mental health interventions in schools. They must acknowledge the need to create a whole school awareness of emotional and mental health concerns and should be provided with support to be able to do so.




Improvement Of Mental Healthcare Among The Young