Each person reacts differently in every situation. Some can handle things gracefully that they do not compromise their physical, emotional, and mental health. However, some people find it hard to do the same. Thus, their approach to virus-related problems becomes overwhelming and unrealistic. Let us understand how and why people tend to be different in so many aspects of dealing with this pandemic situation.

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What Is Emotional Maturity?

Emotional maturity is what makes people clearly understand and manage their emotions, depending on their current situations. Since emotions play a significant role in individuals’ everyday interaction, it becomes essential for survival. People become aware of their current mood, desire, thoughts, and expression. It allows them to identify what is inside of them that others cannot understand. So when people can name each of their emotions, it gets validated. Thus, it makes it easier for them to accept and be aware of their emotional state and can make a plan to deal with it. Emotionally mature people do not quickly lose their cool even in the face of adversities. Instead, these people react with thoughtful deliberation and more likely to succeed in handling stressful situations.

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If individuals have a strong capacity to regulate their emotions, they better able to maintain good health. It includes the psychological well-being that largely contributes to a healthier outlook in life. Therefore, when individuals are emotionally matured, they can quickly draw necessary boundaries in terms of sensitivity, open-mindedness, acceptance, and forward-thinking. Problem-solving skills of people are unique. Most of the time, they operate and make decisions based on emotions by varying degrees. Some are dependent on their emotional spontaneity while others master their control. Healthy emotional maturity becomes an asset not only to navigate the essential things in life but also to take control of it. Emotional maturity is helpful in this pandemic situation because it allows individuals to analyze the problematic situation before reacting stupidly onto it.

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When people are weak in understanding their emotions, they find themselves easily influenced by the demands and expectations of others. It becomes a problem because it makes them unaware of using the word “NO.” In some instances, when they can’t master the art of controlling their feelings, some become dependent on others. But with emotional maturity, people learn to say “No.” They do things based on how they perceive it as right and disregard it when it is wrong. Sometimes, others call them selfish because they follow their understanding of what is appropriate and what is not. But it is vital to understand that there is a thin line between selfishness and emotional maturity. When people are emotionally matured, they can put themselves before others even without putting them at a disadvantage. These people recognize that the use of emotional boundaries serves as their protection. They have an effective communication style of conveying their message to others in a healthier way

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Emotional Incompetence

At this time of crisis, everyone thinks that they understand the situation entirely. That explains people’s side-by-side self-proclaimed truth of what the world is experiencing. Unfortunately, with that set of mentality, no one seems to admit the wrong actions associated with that belief. That explains why most people during this pandemic are complaining more instead of finding ways to adapt to change. Emotional maturity is not about looking at things full of questions and doubts. Emotional maturity means knowing that things are not okay but still acknowledging the possibility that it will all soon come to that. It supports a positive perspective that aligns with the mental and emotional balance that encourages people to become aware of looking beyond self-serving motives.

Why Emotional Maturity Is Useful In This Pandemic Outbreak